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Gonionemus Highly toxic hydrozoan 8-20-17-8250cr.jpg

Gonionemus, genus of small marine hydrozoans (order Limnomedusae, phylum Cnidaria). The conspicuous jellyfish stage of Gonionemus species is bell-shaped and measures about 15 mm (0.6 inch) or more in diameter. From the centre of the bell hangs the manubrium, a tubular structure that contains the mouth, and around the bell’s rim are hollow tentacles armed with stinging structures called nematocysts. Each member of the genus begins life as a planula larva, which develops into a solitary nonswimming polyp (q.v.) measuring less than 1 mm in height. After a short time the polyp buds off medusae from its lower end. The medusae have separate sexes and release nonswimming gametes into the water. Fertilized eggs develop into planula larvae.  General ID Alex Damian Serrano, found on black water dive near Dauin, San Miguel site.<br />
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Stings from the species Gonionemus vertens are unusually venomous, and dense shoals of such jellyfish in warm seas pose a danger to swimmers. A sting from G. vertens causes a burning sensation in the skin, which is accompanied by rapid blistering and local edema, followed in turn by general weakness after 10 to 30 minutes. Numbness sets in, along with pain in the joints of the arms and legs; breathing becomes laboured and can temporarily cease. Liver malfunction sometimes occurs, and the acute symptoms last four to five days.Most Gonionemus species are widely distributed in the warmer regions of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans jellyfish Visayas , Philippines 2017