Fritillariidae Lohmann, 1915 , A class of marine planktonic animals in the subphylum Tunicata. The class Appendicularia (alternatively known as Larvacea) is a species of small pelagic tunicate found in the surface waters of most of the world's oceans. It is used as a model organism in research into developmental biology.Oikopleura dioica is the only species of appendicularian to have separate sexes; others are hermaphrodites. They secrete mucus filtering structures called houses.the house does not completely surround the body in Fritillaria, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Appendicularia
Genus: Fritllariadae 1915 (Lohmann) as opposed to Oikopleura; Lohmann, 1896 Family: Oikopleurida ID from Wyatt Patry. Over 600' depthFinal ID by Ludwig Gasiorowski-Copenhagen.