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Blenny, Seaweed w-Eggs1b4-4-10-301.jpg |
Seaweed Blenny Male guarding eggs; Parablennius marmoreus; combtoothed blenny; bottom dwellers; underwater marine behavior; mating behavior; underwater photography; travel photography; animal planet; underwater bio-diversity; portraits of the sea; amazing underwater photography; underwater nature; photojournalism; National Geographic; under the Blue Heron Bridge; Lake Worth Inlet; Riviera Beach; Florida; Palm Beach Photography; Tropical fish; tropical fish behavior; purple fish with purple eggs; red sponge background; sea-scapes
© Suzan Meldonian 2011
Seaweed Blenny Male guarding eggs, Parablennius marmoreus, combtoothed blenny, bottom dwellers, underwater marine behavior, mating behavior, underwater photography, travel photography, animal planet, underwater bio-diversity, portraits of the sea, amazing underwater photography, underwater nature, photojournalism, National Geographic, under the Blue Heron Bridge, Lake Worth Inlet, Riviera Beach, Florida, Palm Beach Photography, Tropical fish, tropical fish behavior, purple fish with purple eggs, red sponge background, sea-scapes