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Hairy Blenny Changing up.jpg |
Hairy Blenny, Labrisomas nuchipinnis, Hairy blennies undergo an amazing transformation of coloration when it is mating season. In thebackground lightrays stream through from photographery flashes, which excites the Hairy Blenny into changing colors, Underwater Marine life Behavior, Blue Heron Bridge, Lake Worth Inlet, Riviera, Florida, USA, Intra Coastal Waterway, North Atlantic Ocean.1-8-11-848
© Suzan Meldonian
Hairy Blenny, Labrisomas nuchipinnis, Hairy blennies undergo an amazing transformation of coloration when it is mating season. In thebackground lightrays stream through from photographery flashes, which excites the Hairy Blenny into changing colors, Underwater Marine life Behavior, Blue Heron Bridge, Lake Worth Inlet, Riviera, Florida, USA, Intra Coastal Waterway, North Atlantic Ocean.